General information

Training and Staff Development
Autism Partnership offers training workshops which allow parents and professionals to learn skills they can directly apply in their classroom, at home and in the general community.

Workshops available across the United States and around the world.

Autism Partnership’s expert consultants can be scheduled to provide comprehensive workshops at locations throughout the USA and Worldwide. Individual groups can choose any topic (e.g. Understanding Autism, Advanced Behavior Management, etc.) book the Autism Partnership speaker and arrange for their own list of participants. Autism Partnership has presented to faculties of private schools, advocacy groups, parent organizations at pre-schools and elementary schools, groups affiliated with community service and teams of parents and staff who provide in-home services for an individual child.

Training for School Districts

This training format is recommended for school districts to provide a comprehensive workshop to train all staff members in their district. Special education teachers, para-professionals, ancillary service providers (speech, OT, PT), teachers responsible for inclusion, parents and administrators all benefit and are strongly encouraged to attend.

  • Didactic Workshop: This 3-day workshop provides participants with knowledge and experience in the implementation of discrete trial training and intensive behavioral treatment methodologies. Training includes an overview of autism and review of applied research, principles of behavior analysis  and management, a description and explanation of treatment programs and curriculum, and demonstrations of these teaching methods.
  • Hands-On Training Workshop: Participants gain practical experiences so that at the conclusion of the 5 days participants will be able to implement ABA in the classroom.  During this workshop, each person will have extensive opportunity to practice implementing the teaching programs while receiving feedback from Autism Partnership to improve skills.
  • Ongoing Consultation: This is essential to maintain the momentum from the intensive training and for continued professional development as well as developing in-house expertise. Ongoing support, supervision and onsite training is critical to providing effective ABA programs in the classroom setting. Several days per month is recommended. Training includes an overview of autism and review of applied research, principles of behavior analysis and management, a description and explanation of treatment programs and curriculum, and demonstrations of these teaching methods.